Clare-Gladwin Great Start Collaborative Early Childhood Photo Contest

The first-ever Clare-Gladwin Great Start Collaborative Early Childhood Photo Contest was conducted throughout the month of July. Families were able to submit their best/funniest/cutest photos of the special young children in their lives to be entered into the contest. They could submit up to two photos per family.

While all of the photos were winners in our book, the winner of the contest was Jennifer Coffey and her adorable granddaughter! We had 661 votes between our Facebook and in-person voting! Thank you to everyone who voted. Please see below for the pictures that were entered; the winning picture is the first in the group! Also, please look for all the entries in our newsletters and social media throughout the 2021-2022 school year. We will also hold this contest again next year, so have your cameras ready!

Voting took place in person at community events and also on our Parent Coalition Facebook page. By submitting their photos, families gave the Clare-Gladwin Great Start Collaborative permission to use the photos on our website, social media pages and newsletter throughout the 2021-2022 year! The photo with the most votes received a special prize!

Amy Pratt