I am pleased to announce that Bethany Post Adoption Services and Gladwin DHHS will be hosting a Protect Young Eyes Internet Safety Training for parents and caregivers. The training will be held on September 17, 2018 from 6 PM to 8 PM at Beaverton Church of the Nazarene 540 Lang Road Beaverton, MI 48612. Please share this wonderful training opportunity with staff and parents within your school districts. This training will be open to the public so please share with your friends, family and on your social media pages to get the word out to as many parents/caregivers as possible in the community! This training is for adults only and there will not be childcare available for this training due to the number of people that will be attending (we have space for up to 250 people). As a parent of a teenager, I am very excited to learn more about how I can protect my child from the dangers of the internet using cell phones, tablets and computers. Our children are exposed to a lot of dangerous material out there on the internet and we as parents and educators need to educate ourselves on better ways to protect our children from the predators and terrible images out there on the internet! Please join me in attending this wonderful training opportunity! Attached is a flyer that can be shared with others about the event as well as a link to secure your ticket for the event and the link is also below in this email! For more information about what this training is about feel free to go to Chris McKenna’s website at www.protectyoungeyes.com. Also, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you.
Kristine Martin
Children’s Foster Care and Licensing Specialist
Gladwin DHHS
675 East Cedar Avenue, Suite 2
Gladwin, MI 48624
Phone: 989-418-1787